Although the road goes only for a short distance, it has a history dating back to 1972, when the remains of Hurricane Agnes struck the area.
It went for a little distance and then speeded up again.
It was low and long and seemed to go back for quite a distance.
The river goes on for a greater distance than many know, to a great sea, far to the east.
The corridor went on for a long distance with no visible doors on either side.
She had to go for a smaller distance at a time, she told herself, and flexed her fingers only halfway closed.
But then they came to a place where most of the pipe was simply gone, for a distance of nearly sixty feet.
He said, "No, but I do not want to go with them but for a short distance."
This meant going back upstream for a distance to allow some leeway.
But the Wanderer passed out through the city, and Rei went with him for a certain distance.