Laurie went over to the boy, who was trying to stand the pieces one atop the other, and gently took them away.
Skif didn't know what went on in the building atop those pillars, but it was probably some sort of commerce.
The rock went atop the branch and rolled over, dropping straight at Ivan's head.
Of itself, his thumb went to the firing button atop the stick.
"Now do be careful," she warned, "especially going atop the moving train."
Ramsey went to the tray atop the television set and poured himself a straight scotch.
He crashed through several bodies, the last being Pikel's, and went down atop his brother.
Colored lights went into a mad dance atop the machine, and a war drum began to beat.
The half helmet that the security shield was built into went atop his head.
Hastily Mat clipped him over the ear; not hard, but the fellow went down atop the other man.