He took another quick lap of the living room, twisting his gnarled fists together.
A gnarled, grimy fist vibrated at the end of his nose.
Before they left, however, the leader shook a gnarled fist.
He clutched up a large green apple from a bowl of fruit on a nearby table and raised it with his gnarled fist into the air.
And he would emphasize the statement with a blow of his gnarled fist.
He knelt beside Allel and made a gnarled fist.
The old man accepted the weapon and expertly wrapped it around his gnarled fist.
He pounded his bony knee with a gnarled fist.
And that hand went tight, into a gnarled fist, like the other that shoved to its pockets for a gun.
Lord L clenched a gnarled fist and shook it at the ceiling.