Simultaneously, he looked upward, straight for the dimly glowing sky.
As Quentin opened the balcony door, the faint light of a glowing sky met his eyes.
The stranger's plane was now a small black cross, like a shrinking check mark on the glowing sky.
"Good morning," he said, with a glance at the glowing sky.
Fred looked up at the glowing sky, said something, laughed.
He raised his face to the canopy above, and the glowing sky beyond.
Then he raced after her, under the glowing sky.
The sunset, complete with a glowing purple sky, will be washed out as a result.
We saw nothing as we entered, save the sky in the great windows, blue and glowing.
The sun had just set on the third day when they saw Sibili's walls dark against the glowing western sky.