I say, Feverstone," he began gaily, " I haven't had exactly what you'd call a glowing reception from Steele.
MANY writers remember when there was not such a glowing reception for the literature of New York.
LEAD: The Economy President Bush's savings rescue plan is taking its lumps after a glowing initial reception.
The glowing reception was different from that on her return to Oklahoma.
Eddie Rosner initially achieved an equally glowing reception in the USSR as he had in Europe.
The episode received glowing critical reception.
She died in October, at 51, having held an advance copy of her daughter's book in her hands but not having been a witness to the glowing reception.
Though it could have easily ended up a formulaic teen love story, Say Anything... got glowing reception from critics.
But he has yet to win an Oscar and his recent works have not received the glowing critical reception garnered by his earlier films.
For the real man there will be a glowing reception in Cooperstown this summer; for the fictional slugger there are tempestuous days on West 46th Street.