In silent rapture, Miriam gazed at the glowing moon.
The glowing full moon, encircled by a distinct halo, took turns hiding behind, then brilliantly illuminating the softly textured sky.
Through the obscure woods, past cellophane fountains, beneath monster spiders and a glowing moon, the sylvan Creatures wend in pursuit.
Overlooking the action are two glowing moons, one red, the other white.
Under the glowing moon they laboured up the road.
I remained awake, watching the lively sky and the slow progress of the glowing moon across heaven's vaulted dome.
John presses a button, the blast shield opening to reveal the stacked orbs of three glowing moons.
In its place was a glowing moon- colored cloud full of colored lights from horizon to horizon.
In the distance, the moon, full and glowing, had begun its slow rise from the sea, and I saw Savannah staring at it.
THE camera tilts down from a glowing full moon to sharp barbed-wire fencing.