Ellet's short black hair framed a glowering face.
This it does by turning away in a deliberate manner and refusing to look again at the glowering face.
Behind the leveled guns were the glowering faces of Birklam's six servants.
The growl was muted and tinny, but the glowering face had lost none of its malevolence.
She grabbed Rufo by the shoulder and roughly spun him about to stare into her glowering face.
Orange vanished, leaving her eyes an oddly bland discrepancy on the glowering face.
Twice we rode right alongside him, and I got a good look at the glowering face of the prince of the local family.
So many glowering faces, black and white!
His glowering fat face with its pasty pimpled complexion was not a pleasant sight at dinner.
Startled, she looked up into Broud's glowering face.