I'd have a bad bruise, for sure, but the diving glove had protected my skin.
Wear heavy gloves to protect your hands from scrapes.
I use special gloves to protect my hands when I work with heated metals.
Buying and wearing non-latex gloves to protect our hands from skin damage makes good business sense.
The gloves will provide a better grip and protect your hands.
Boxers always wear gloves to protect their hands, while it depends on the year whether models do.
Wear gloves to protect your hands from the ammonia.
Most goalkeepers also wear gloves to improve their grip on the ball, and to protect themselves from injury.
I had a feeling there was no need to worry about fingerprints on the note, but if there were any, my gloves would protect them.
Operators may wish to wear gloves to protect themselves from burns due to the follow spot's temperature.