The other episode "Big TV" also featured Bean turning on his television with a glove attached to a broomstick, as referenced on the latter part of Act 3.
The rest of the LPEG suit was one piece, gloves and boots all attached.
A plastic surgical glove attached to a tube from an air pump was kept under David all the time.
The boxes had holes cut in the sides, and gloves attached with an airtight seal.
It is a metallic glove attached to a large disc on the users back.
A few of the forbidding seascapes are devoid of ships, having instead an artist's paint-stiffened glove attached at the top, like the hand of fate or a hovering albatross.
Xabbu put his hands into the gloves attached to the tent wall, then looked up at her, asking permission.
There are gloves attached to the directions, Burke.
Imagine Bugs Bunny knocking Yosemite Sam from across the room with a punching glove attached to the end of an assembly of criss-crossed pieces that expand and contract.
He had a survival suit on board, as well, but the survival suit was a totally enclosed garment that kept you warm and dry, gloves and booties attached to it.