While they play their characters impeccably, they also play around with them, goofing on them in sly, easygoing ways that never tear at the show's glossy fabric.
One cushion ended up in De la Torre's wide lap, and his stumpy, brown fingers drummed the glossy fabric.
She was wearing a black singlet of some glossy fabric, a cropped black jacket with thin white curlicues embroidered on the shoulders, and a short black leather skirt.
Her brassiere was of a sheer, glossy, flesh-colored fabric that encased her like a second skin designed to entice.
All wore dress uniforms of glossy fabric, with bright gold trim; the Human and Vulcan showed a large number of award pins on their tunics.
The coppery coloured garment fitted him perfectly, a one-piece of some glossy silk-smooth fabric, knees and elbows heavily padded.
I felt every detail through the thin glossy fabric, a radiant, thrilling warmth, a hint of moisture.
Today he wore a ceremonial robe of glossy purple quilted fabric and a royal blue velvet cowl.
Now they tear a little hole in the glossy fabric of your dignity.