She will have two whole weeks to enjoy this glorious spring.
Today Westerners come to Japan and soak naked in the glorious outdoor hot springs.
Devin tried, riding through the cheerful birdsong of a glorious spring morning, to imagine how the Prince might be feeling.
Outside for an hour of lunch, he had discovered a uniquely glorious spring day, bursting with real sunshine, blue sky, fresh air, clean clouds.
Saturday was spring at its most glorious.
THIS glorious spring cries out to be recorded with notebook or camera.
Gehrig arrived early on that glorious spring day to work on his hitting.
It was a glorious spring afternoon, full of impassioned speeches and bullhorns and anger.
I am happy in this glorious spring under this indifferent blue dome.
It was a glorious spring morning, with the sun shining, and birds singing.