"Instead of the normal glorious, user-curated chaos of reddit, we will be displaying a simple message about how the PIPA/SOPA legislation would shut down sites like reddit," the reddit admins wrote in their January 10 blog post announcing the plan.
"Instead of the normal glorious, user-curated chaos of reddit, we will be displaying a simple message about how the PIPA/SOPA legislation would shut down sites like reddit, link to resources to learn more, and suggest ways to take action," they announced yesterday.
If it sometimes seemed like glorious chaos, at least it ended at exactly the right point - when French art sputters to a halt.
After producing shows at the New York International Fringe Festival and Minnesota Fringe Festival, Executive Producer Sarah Mikayla Brown (previously Managing Director of Tantalus Theatre Group) wanted to bring that kind of "glorious chaos" to Chicago.
Any city down here is glorious chaos.
Like Mr. Nelson, Mr. Brown clearly relishes the theatrical temperament, backstage intrigues and the glorious chaos that is rehearsal.
It sounds like nonsense, like babble, and yet through this glorious chaos we communicate, singing solely as individuals and yet absolutely together.
Or rather, he gave so many different rea- sons that it seemed to Yama that he wanted only a glorious chaos, a soup of contingency, change for change's sake.
He settled back in his private chamber beneath House Basadoni and prayed with all his heart to his Lady Lloth, telling her of the Crystal Shard, and of the glorious chaos the artifact might allow him to bring to the world.
I remember soccer as four years of chaos: glorious, earnest chaos, but chaos nonetheless, with children moving constantly, in packs, like swarms of bees, across the field.