The uninitiated would spent a miserable existence in the gloomy space of Hades, after death.
If someone died in battle, he would exist like a shadow in the gloomy space of the underworld.
Marion opened it, stepped into a long, gloomy space filled with cars.
These gloomy spaces we now traversed showed no sign of their presence.
The place had felt bare; and Jean, peering back through gloomy space, saw that it did not contain much.
They found themselves in a space so gloomy that they could barely make out the man seated at the grand piano.
Only half an hour earlier, Maura had regarded this same gloomy space with uneasiness.
Zuiden, the only other person in the gloomy space, stood holding the chain hoist's control stalk.
She paused one last time, looking around the small, gloomy space.
She said, and pass'd along the gloomy space; The prince pursued her steps with equal pace.