The fronds forming the most elegant parasols, produced a gloomy shade, like that of the first hour of the night.
We had not stood more than five minutes under the gloomy shade of the thick foliage when a dark figure glided noiselessly up to us.
In the end he decided the shock would only be momentary - but he also had the buildings repainted a less gloomy shade.
No on can imagine the utter stillness which pervades these gloomy shades.
Surely, the long unreal ride some progress of disease that had brought him to these gloomy shades!
It is completely bounded by the gloomy shade of licence exams.
He then again began shooting, and continued loading and firing until the line moved forward and we left him alone, dying in the gloomy shade.
She said, and swiftly vanish'd from my sight, Obscure in clouds and gloomy shades of night.
She said: and thro' the gloomy shades they pass'd, And chose the middle path.
The captain gives command; the joyful train Glide thro' the gloomy shade, and leave the main.