Ortak stood in the doorway, peering into the gloomy afternoon.
Turning on the single lamp improved the gloomy late afternoon, and, after I had unpacked my few items, closing the window reduced the chill.
I stood there breathless and hot, even in the sub-zero temperature of that gloomy afternoon, but at least the job was done.
But on this wet and gloomy afternoon, Switzer remained alive and employed.
First saw it on a gloomy pre-Christmas late afternoon when I was a teenager.
The lights were on in the basement flat, shining out into the gloomy afternoon.
From the street, on this gloomy afternoon, that portion of the building was practically invisible in the gathering gloom and swirling fog.
Then he laughed and they rode on together through the gloomy afternoon.
There was enough to mourn this gloomy afternoon.
"The flowers open at night or on a gloomy afternoon," Mr. Loewer said.