He notes that, in a globalized economy, those with only physical labor to offer suffer.
The idea of using mathematical planning methods and computers remains valid even in today's globalized economy.
One prominent macro-economist calls today's globalized economy "almost beyond human comprehension."
An educated elite alone cannot provide the country with enough skilled labor to compete in a globalized economy.
"Otherwise, we should worry about a large amount of capital flight in this globalized economy," he said.
"I don't think Mexico should be part of a globalized economy because it doesn't have a market that is strong enough to compete," he said.
"Today we are a globalized economy, and prolonged talk of war is not going to help business at all."
Already it is clear that a serious challenge has arisen to the norms of the modern globalized economy.
In a globalized economy being open to new experience is the key to success, being provincial a sure way to be left behind.
In a globalized economy, we do not have the power to determine where a private company should make an investment.