Clearly, this globalization trend could profoundly undermine national sovereignty, as well as individual privacy.
Once the globalization trend began, the major firms all felt pressure to quickly build a "critical mass" in sales, trading and investment banking to compete worldwide.
This rapid globalization trend has led to the focus of violence and destruction in the context of the city rather than its surroundings.
Ms. Stacom added: "The globalization trend created a need for CB to have a prominent presence in New York.
A columnist for the New York Times analyzes 21st-century economics and foreign policy and presents an overview of globalization trends.
Well ahead of the corporate globalization trend, Mr. Moog led the company's international expansion starting in the 1960's.
Coventya continued to pursue the globalization trend, favoring the external development of the company by acquisition:
A columnist for The New York Times presents an overview of globalization trends.
"Coca-Cola seems to be the No. 1 company that is benefiting from the globalization trend that has seen the opening and development of new markets internationally."
His greatest macroeconomic concern related to politics is over the prospect of legislation that would slow or reverse the globalization trend of the last decade.