They have tested the formula in global stock and currency markets of varying sizes.
The study reviewed 566 international and global stock fund portfolios, of which 156, or 27.6 percent, used subadvisers.
Indian households hold 18,000 tonnes of gold which represents 11% of the global stock and worth more than $950 billion.
Today's decline came amid violent swings in global stock and bond markets.
Companies that once relied on their local bank to raise money are now turning to global stock and bond markets.
The next is the balance between states and "supermarkets" - the huge global stock and bond markets.
Kiplinger's touts Intel in an article on nine global stocks to buy now because of their growth potential.
Only 24% of global stocks are either under- or moderately exploited.
Interest in the exchange has risen as the Japanese became major investors in global stock and bond markets.
Kuwait may have lost $5 billion when global stocks plunged, a leading Kuwaiti economist said today.