The 37% global rise equates to more than 7,000 vehicle sales.
Scientists all over the world are linking the changes in the Earth's weather to a global rise in temperatures.
They were, of course, now united against a common enemy - the global rise in the sea level.
So why should anyone get excited about a global rise of a few degrees in a few decades?
Some political journalists have said this criticism came as a result of the global rise in oil prices.
Three factors came together in December to create the global rise in rates.
These raised marine deposits focus attention on the problems that might occur if climatic change were to lead to a global rise in sea level.
But there is also fear that the global rise of militant fundamentalism has begun to change Indonesia.
This accounts for between 20% and 38% of the observed yearly global sea-level rise.
Small wonder that the estimates of global sea-level rise for the next 100 years are very tentative.