The only real problem is that anyone who has no culture, other than this global monoculture, is completely screwed.
Economic globalization is considered a threat to well-being, which will replace natural environments and local cultures with a single trade economy, termed the global economic monoculture.
The promotion of diversity among the peoples and cultures of the Earth, in opposition to global monoculture.
Instead, standardization has come to represent the global monoculture, the relentless homogenization, the erasure of cultural difference.
Such an "interface culture," Mr. Stephenson argues, is the next step toward a global monoculture that was first created by the rise of television.
He has been criticized for wanting it both ways - to be part of the global monoculture while remaining independent from its culturally leveling effects.
Today he takes evident delight in the the global monoculture and the proliferation of its characteristic building types: convention centers, hotels, airports, malls and such.
Critics of cultural imperialism argue that the rise of a global monoculture causes a loss of local knowledge.
Literally and culturally, Prix's buildings emerge from the overlap of the global monoculture and the traditional cosmopolitan ideal.
It is a force in the global "monoculture" - the homogenized consumerism that has accelerated since the end of the cold war.