More specifically, he could offer some idea of how Government should organize itself to achieve new global goals.
The charity backs the global goal of near zero deaths by 2015.
A fight could complicate not only the budget talks but also the President's global goals.
Indian companies have struggled to clear financial hurdles to reaching their global goals.
Therefore, all political remedies to the problems affecting that country will lack a global goal and will be short term in nature.
The answer: a bit of "industrial policy," the use of government coordination to direct free enterprise toward a global economic goal.
Survey research can be specific and limited, or it can have more global, widespread goals.
The swift conversion to cleaner technologies by China, the world's most populous country and one of its fastest-growing, is crucial to global environmental goals.
How can we find solutions that protect workers and communities without first identifying specific global goals?
If the cost seems tolerable, it would do well to sign on to common global goals.