Tidewater has a global footprint, with over 90% of its fleet working internationally in more than 60 countries.
With a global footprint of 16 offices and almost 1,000 employees, Fortune magazine named it one of the top 50 firms to work for in 1999.
Pagemill Partners has a strong global footprint with approximately a third of all transactions crossing borders.
A. What it allows us to do is to take advantage of our global footprint.
In 1971, Lexington expanded its global footprint with the establishment of a London office.
This global footprint includes oncology research and marketing strategy and oversight.
"Our global footprint means we have scaled fast, reaching a really significant number of people using a variety of different phones."
With a global footprint of 37 countries, Dnata employs over 20,000 employees for its operations worldwide.
As human populations grow, so do the resource demands imposed on ecosystems and the impacts of our global footprint.
There needs to be a broad dialogue with China now - by governments, environmental groups, companies - on how to make its global footprint green.