Two points which should be obvious to all of us, as democrats concerned about issues such as global social equity, but nevertheless important to make.
Ms. Booth, known to her friends as Kay, is director of the firm's 400-member global equity research department.
A few years ago, the biggest buyers of global equities were in Japan or Britain.
Eighteen trillion dollars of wealth has been lost in global equities in only seven weeks.
In order to produce sustainable wetlands, short-term, private-sector profits need to come secondary to global equity.
Gold rose $22 to $1715 an ounce, despite a sharp rise in global equities, while Brent crude was up $2.60 at $109 a barrel.
The fund invests in a mix of zero-coupon Treasury securities and global equities.
"It's not a question about research independence," said Robert Steel, the head of global equities for Goldman.
Scheduled for paring down: Solly's global equities, investment banking and real estate businesses.
Daniel Coleman and John Wall will become co-heads of global equities.