JPMorgan Chase and Commerzbank have been mandated as its joint global coordinators and bookrunners.
George Surdu, global coordinator of the Ford Motor Company's Year 2000 efforts, said that the law would prove to be helpful in the long run.
More than $1 billion of investment banking fees will be paid in the next five years, with the bulk divided among the global coordinators.
Desmond Lachman, the global coordinator for emerging market research at Salomon Brothers, is also pessimistic for the near term.
These robots would communicate using the ZigBee protocol among themselves and with a global coordinator (PC) which would be responsible for map merging.
Lehman Brothers and S. G. Warburg & Co. are the global coordinators of the total 19.25 million common shares.
"These cars tap into latent good will for domestic manufacturers," said John A. Casesa, the global coordinator of automotive research at Merrill Lynch in New York.
The selling job by Wall Street, which will be led by Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch, the global coordinators for the issue, begins Monday.
The structure can be extended as a generic mesh network whose nodes are cluster tree networks with a local coordinator for each cluster, in addition to the global coordinator.
Cluster coordinator is the global coordinator of a wireless sensors cluster.