Designers like Armani, whose brands are now global behemoths, once also dominated the aesthetic side of the fashion business.
But Scottish speech patterns do not even tickle the global behemoth of English, let alone penetrate its blubbery vastness with their feeble flensing-irons.
Mr. McCracken realized he'd created a global behemoth when a friend of his mother's came back from a rafting trip in the Amazon.
The agency company has been particularly successful in landing giant consolidated accounts of global behemoths like the Citibank unit of Citicorp and Colgate-Palmolive.
Medium-size companies are putting themselves up for sale, saying they cannot compete with global behemoths, while the behemoths are suffering from currency fluctuations.
Under Mr. Tabuchi's reign as president, from 1978 to 1985, and then as chairman, Nomura grew into a global behemoth that could outsell most of its competitors.
Although the Big Four had become global behemoths, their basic styles and methods did not evolve nearly as quickly.
The industry learned to mint hits (and therefore money) in the 60s and 70s, but it was the CD that made record companies into global behemoths.
Forget such trivia as whether the merger of Travelers Group and Citicorp would create a global behemoth that will alter the financial services industry.
AFTER five years of booming markets and unparalleled expansion, Wall Street's major securities firms have been transformed into sprawling global behemoths.