RBS said last week it would cut 3,500 jobs as part of a restructuring plan for its global banking and markets division.
The next two chapters return to basic banking principles and the development of global banking.
However, even at this stage the reader will appreciate that global banking is now an established feature of international financial arrangements.
These two offices compete, and Morganthau's office has expertise on global banking.
He was designated to become president of global banking, securities, and wealth management at the newly combined company, but resigned on January 22, 2009.
Currently, global retail banking makes up 61 percent of Citigroup's profits.
The company's services include personal banking, business banking, global banking and agricultural finance.
We struggle to value the shrinking non-core and global banking and markets business.
The global (not just eurozone) banking system faces insolvency.
Earlier, he had spent 23 years at the Chase Manhattan Corporation, rising to head of global banking.