The Weeks Air Museum is a regional, national and indeed global asset, irrespective of the potential of its custodian.
Right now we are about ready to declare Saudi oil a global asset.
It has global assets under management of over £274 billion, including:
His business experience covers credit and corporate finance, real estate and global asset (bonds & equities) management.
Considerable global assets have been spent to prevent non-communicable diseases - for example, with major investments to improve the environment.
He has worked for several years as JPMorgan's director of global real assets.
We want China to focus more sharply on environmental matters, because the environment is a major common global asset.
Assets held offshore are now equal to a third of global assets...
PEI is a financial media group that focuses on global alternative assets.
The global assets of 130-30 funds are in perspective very small, approximately $53.3 billion.