A series of large credit transferals into their global accounts provided the necessary inspiration for their deed.
Braun, the maker of personal care products and appliances, consolidated its global creative account at the Lowe Group in London, without a review.
Segmentation criteria can be arbitrarily complex and may take into account global as well as local criteria.
He added, "And our global accounts have more United States and Canada interest rate exposure than we have had since early in 1987."
He will replace John Bradstock, 55, who will become corporate executive vice president in charge of global accounts.
Since Journey represented a huge global account (expected first year sales, $90 million), Firmenich assigned over 25 perfumers.
They entertained pitches from each of the agencies on their roster, and ultimately assigned the global account to McCann Erickson.
Computer Associates International in Islandia, N.Y., chose the agency as the first to handle its global account, with billings estimated at $100 million.
He predicted Lintas would soon create similar posts for other global accounts.
These regions are knitted together into a single global account, which overviews core themes, developments and debates in the anarchist and syndicalist tradition.