Mutu is considered by many to be one of the most important contemporary African artists of recent years, and her work has achieved much global acclaim.
Securing three separate record deals for a global release, the album was released in July 2010 to global critical acclaim.
Her unusually impressive abilities as a football player gained her global acclaim while only nine years old.
They are a bit too stuffy for the hyped media coverage that creates global acclaim.
McAtee garnished global acclaim for her 2010 role as Catherine in Bloomington.
The artwork for the album was illustrated by Jacqui Oakley and has received global acclaim for its package design.
With his expertise in creating a fully integrated and unique dining experience Earl created a brand that achieved global acclaim in just a few years.
Barred by apartheid from sharing the global acclaim for Dr. Barnard's feat, he won it only in death.
The single obtained global acclaim, becoming an international hit.
CPD partners with research institutions and agencies of global acclaim.