Beyond the jetty, the ocean glittered blue, with small whitecaps; gulls skimmed across heaven.
The Eastern Ocean glitters bright blue and green as the three glance to the east, in the direction of Hamor.
The opaline substance glittered blue, green, and red in the lamplight.
He found it particularly disturbing the way Boofuls' eyes glittered blue in the darkness.
From here she could see the sea, glittering blue- green, with white froth roiling as the waves crashed against the rocky shore.
Ilkodremin was one of the major manufacturing cities on Nexus; from the air its roofs glittered blue with solar panels.
They have a narrow, glittering blue "frontlet" above the bill.
A blade shot out, so thin that it was transparent, its edge glittering blue as air molecules were sliced into their component atoms.
Sting glittered blue in his hand.
The highwayman had assumed it was a lance, but now a curved blade sprang out and glittered blue along its edges.