From Fedois, on a clear day, a keen-eyed man can see Askvjal with its heart glacier glinting blue beneath the azure sky.
His eyes glinted blue in the torchlight.
She tapped her belt and he saw, tucked within it, a police-model weapon tube; it glinted blue and black in the morning sun.
He grinned at me, his eyes glinting blue in the candlelight.
Speartips glinted blue in another flash of skyfire.
The armor of their riders glinted blue and deadly in the sunlight.
His broad, spare face was young yet under its weathering; his eyes, a light, glinting blue, were flecked with gold.
His eyes glinted wild and blue and his grin flashed in return as the jets roared to life.
They were silken soft, and the beads glinted blue, white, and vivid orange-scarlet.
The blade glinted blue in the torch light, as Laronnar flexed his hand, seating the glove onto his fingers.