Inflatable habitats would be constructed on the surface along with a landing strip to facilitate further glider landings.
Two pre-dawn glider landings brought in anti-tank guns and support troops for each division.
Follow-up parachute and glider landings were scheduled to arrive at 08:15, bringing in artillery and anti-tank units of the 2nd Brigade.
Gliders were fragile and glider landings were rough and brutal affairs.
With better intelligence and planning, the glider landings in The Battle of Normandy were far more successful.
On the evening of D-Day two additional glider landings brought in two battalions of artillery and 24 howitzers to the 82nd Airborne.
This was probably fortunate, as glider landings on undefended landing zones before the eyes of an alert enemy could have resulted in catastrophe.
In order to frustrate an airborne attack, German engineers flooded low-lying areas and strung wires across fields to deter glider landings.
The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute and glider landings, massive air attacks and naval bombardments.
The bocage hedgerows themselves were the worse hazard to safe glider landings, and caused more glider casualties than Rommelspargel.