She did a bungee jump, a skydive, a glider flight and swam with great white sharks.
It was here, beginning in 1900, that the Wright Brothers attempted some of their first glider flights.
When General Lee made a glider flight, the landing fractured several of his ribs.
Manned glider flights began on 3 November 1944.
A 15-minute glider flight for one passenger with a pilot is $29.
The first manned glider flights in Australia and Japan took place on the same day.
He made more than 2,500 glider flights before he died in a crash in 1896.
Even the experimental, short glider flights she had tried in order to test them had given her a dizzying sense of freedom.
Visitors can put the island into its coastal context with a glider flight high above the granite hills.
After being sick on a glider flight, Howard was fit and ready as soon as his feet hit the ground.