A figure was gliding rapidly between the shaggy masses of two adjacent bushes.
In an instant the boat began to glide rapidly through the water and, seeing this, the boy turned its prow toward the north.
He was gliding rapidly down the air against a wild gale of wind, his eyes three-quarters shut.
Before me the two shadows were still vaguely visible, gliding rapidly toward the southern woods.
I walk up the moving steps, gliding rapidly upward, and when I can see the third floor he's nowhere in sight.
They glided rapidly along the helical corridor that led to the central control area.
He moved from the study; glided rapidly along the passage.
The feet glide extremely smoothly and rapidly over a desktop.
Two of the snakes came gliding rapidly over the ground towards them.
Like a toboggan, it tilted to one side and began gliding rapidly down the mountainside.