His eyes gleamed green through the soft gloom as they roamed every inch of her face and body, searching for visible evidence that he would not find.
Water dripped, building gigantic columns through the ages, pools of water gleamed green and weird here and there. . . . We moved through a wonderland of fantastic giants whose immemorial antiquity was appalling to contemplate.
Candlelight gleamed green as wildfire in Cersei's eyes.
The hazel eyes buried under Agrippa's jutting forehead gleamed suddenly green.
The swarms that had seethed with life a moment before now showed bleached ribs; the dust motes, linking themselves just as scholars piece together shards of ancient glass to recreate for us a colored window shattered thousands of years before, formed skulls that gleamed green in the moonlight.
Then the Mouser was beside him and they were racing off along the hot mountain edge toward where the cryptically ancient glacial ice gleamed green.
Gleamed green, with a bright vertical pupil.
Across the square, the Theatinerkirche shone like yellow sand; its onion domes gleamed green as leaves.
As he rushed onwards it lengthened and curved, until he stood at the edge of a cold volcanic cauldron, looking down at the mountain's secret, a still, dark lake which gleamed green at the foot of the crags.