Twenty-four glass pillars are scattered throughout the room, each one filled to the brim with locally sourced glacier water.
Who needs a forest of glass pillars?
First you set down the Diadem, safely, on the glass pillar.
As the deep frost penetrated the church, the aisle transformed itself into an occluding tunnel of glass pillars.
Below, dim curds of refuse lay clotted about the glass pillars of the Maserati Mall.
The glass pillars, which are lighted from within by gas-fed flames, are set in small fountains of water.
Igor moved very fast, and stood almost protectively next to the glass pillar.
Aycharaych of Chereion stood beneath high glass pillars.
Locke and Jean's footsteps echoed in the darkness of the vast hollow space; soft lamps on some of the glass pillars made irregular islands of light.
In the middle of it, close to me, was a black glass pillar, thick and about five feet high.