Inexpensive glass paste "gems" were sometimes used on silver luckenbooth brooches, as were garnets and semi-precious stones.
True enamelling technique, where glass paste is put into place and fired until it liquifies, was learnt from the Romans.
There are also objects of bone and wood, besides pottery (both coarse and fine), amber, and glass paste.
In some cases, glass paste, glass, and precious and semi-precious stones were used for detail such as eyes, jewellery, and weaponry.
Thermal conditioning transforms the glass paste into glass layer and is important to prevent voids inside the glass frit layer.
In this unusual process, translated as "glass paste," powdered glass is mixed with a binder and then molded.
Pâte de verre is another form of kiln casting and literally translated means glass paste.
When he was through, a pompous voice a long way down the corridor began explaining how to color glass paste to counterfeit fine gems.
The baron's own great collection eventually contained over 10,000 cameos, intaglios, and antique glass pastes, the majority of which eventually went to the museums in Berlin.
Also a pearl orange coralline, three glass paste, etc..