"Magazines like The Star have created interest not just in the glamorous parts of their life, but every other aspect as well."
After the battle, the train remains at the hacienda, a particularly glamorous part of the wreckage.
The bar and lounge at Barbalùc is half the story, the sleek, glamorous part.
This was the glamorous part of the display.
MY husband is at the Olympics, enjoying the most glamorous part of his job as a radio correspondent.
This is not the most glamorous part of the playoffs, shooting baskets in a half-empty arena.
Already a pretty woman, the ultimate result was exceptionally dramatic and opened the door to more glamorous parts in the later 1960s.
This is not the most glamorous part of the world to be in.
Now there seems to be this evolution where people are starting to recognize the less glamorous parts of the ecosystem.
Recycling was the "glamorous" part of the solid-waste problem.