She is Ivo Flaiano's girlfriend, young, beautiful and glamorous.
There is his long-term relationship with his glamorous girlfriend, the model, actress and producer Elizabeth Hurley, who recently appeared in a British newspaper under the headline "What on earth will Liz Hurley wear next?"
On the night he died, in romantic Paris with a famous and glamorous girlfriend, Dodi was still calling daddy and asking to be told what to do.
The character first appeared in February 2005 as the feisty, glamorous girlfriend of Darren Osborne.
Maripily Rivera, the glamorous new girlfriend of baseball star Roberto Alomar, spoke with "Escándalo TV" about allegations by Alomar's ex that he refused to be tested for HIV.
From the front of the battered van jump a glamorous girlfriend, a puppy and a German shepherd the size of the Arc de Triomphe.
During the cup run Melia became famous for his 'disco' style of dress and his glamorous younger girlfriend, Val Lloyd.
Fallon is also noted for his love of high living and glamorous girlfriends.