I would gladly swap one of those rolls of dollars for ten new diapers.
According to Ally, she would gladly swap their comfortably cluttered house for a new, tidy one in a "micro-second".
The millions of people on minimum wage and no chance of a private pension would gladly swap places with you.
Rowe is quite serious about this, so he will gladly swap the 6 o'clock news coverage generated by Coleman and Anderson for a calmer, gentler New Jersey Nets.
She was thinking that she would gladly swap her chance of eternal bliss for an automatic distress signal and a beacon.
The Northwest Independent School District would gladly swap the free passes and franks for some tax revenue from the track, but it is not getting any.
He said he'd gladly swap this M.V.P. award for the jewelry Ortiz won in Boston last year.
I can assure you, all of us who claim them legitimately would gladly swap them for a job, for security, for freedom.
As a survivor of Auschwitz, I can assure him that any Jewish inmate would have gladly swapped his yellow triangle for the homosexual's pink one.
He would gladly swap the anxieties of those days for the worries that kept him awake now.