Its characteristic turquoise-blue color is due to the glacial sediments deposited in it.
The lowest glacial sediments (now near sea level) are from Salmon Springs or older glaciations.
A mantle of glacial sediment, principally gravels, covered the whole of the braided valleys.
The broad river valley juts through glacial sediment into some of the oldest rock known.
Deposits of even older glacial sediment exist on every continent except South America.
The coastlines along the southernmost part are covered with the remains of deposited glacial sediment.
The valley of Neva is formed by glacial and post-glacial sediments and it did not change much over the past 2500 years.
Catastrophic failure of the containing ice or glacial sediment can release this water over periods of minutes to days.
These are glacial sediments which fill a deep channel.
Deposits of fine-grained wind-blown glacial sediment are called loess.