The oldest episode occurred approximately 18,000 - 15,000 years ago during glacial retreat.
The age of these sand dunes has been estimated at 11,500 years, from the time of the last glacial retreat.
A century-long glacial retreat has opened a multi-armed bay more than 30 miles long.
The glacial retreat has an interesting side effect, an increase in the frequency of earthquakes in the region.
They are descendants of seeds that took root over ten thousand years ago before the last glacial retreat.
These has retreated dramatically over the last century with over 80% glacial retreat.
The end moraines of different glacial retreats have been conserved.
In the event of glacial retreat, the nunatak will be isolated as an island.
It was formed during the most recent glacial retreat of the Pleistocene era.
For him, glacial retreat is of great concern.