The great lament among those of us who love glacial landscapes is that their cloak of prairies is all but gone.
It protects a glacial landscape that includes 30 lakes.
The country also has some dramatic mountain scenery, including the glacial landscape of the Pirin range.
He enjoyed that most of all; the plane seemed like a toy, suspended between the high-rising mountains on each side, hanging in the vast glacial landscape.
A ribbon lake is one of a number of glacial landscapes.
Panoramic glacial landscapes filled a screen behind her.
His work for the exhibit presents expressionist themes of badlands and glacial pictorial landscapes.
It evokes a stark, glacial landscape of resigned sadness and solitude.
The northern part of the oblast is flat and swampy, whereas the central and the southern parts are formed by glacial landscape.
The valley is a glacial landscape, with high pastures, craggy cliffs, and steep wooded valleys.