Secondary and tertiary education are given exclusively in English.
But, he said, "drugs given exclusively to hasten death and not for a patient's comfort are considered active euthanasia."
Those indications are given exclusively by the rising or the falling which takes place in a slow and continuous manner.
They can also be exclusively given through contest prizes, and are paid as a weekly salary to all staff members of the game.
Therefore, our performances today will be given exclusively by families of Roman nobility.
This is similar to prison sexuality in that those involved would, presumably, be exclusively heterosexual given the option.
The regulation of interstate commerce is a power given exclusively to Congress by the Constitution.
It is exclusively given to individuals who have profoundly influenced the engineering profession through their service.
The 1949 prize was given exclusively for completed apartment buildings, a sign of priority.
The job was given exclusively to the cardinals in 1179, with the two-thirds majority rule.