We passed legislation to give family leave under circumstances like that exempting small business.
Never had Hafiz given such a large house party under such restricted circumstances!
They are able to breed again almost immediately, and can therefore give birth every eleven months under ideal circumstances.
Can any truthful testimony be given under such circumstances?
It wasn't the sort of response he had expected, and probably wasn't the one I would have given under other circumstances.
The counselor could make a powerful friend; even the captain had to give way to her under certain circumstances.
Thus, some drugs should never be given to a child, or given only under special circumstances when potential benefits clearly outweigh possible risks.
We've given Deryni powers, at least under carefully controlled circumstances.
That had been given to him under circumstances that still made him sad to think about, even today.
It was intended as a standby weapons load, one that gave at least limited capability under almost any circumstances.