Rising up on its knees, the beast gave a throaty roar to the black sky.
Her heart heavy, the mother stole out in the cold of the night to give the boy to the sky.
On the floor there were many dead babies, the children who had been given to the sky.
A few stars gave reality to the empty sky.
The hunters, released by the bridge into the west, gave little thought to the revolving sky.
Originally the name given by the Finns to the sky, the sky-god, and the supreme god.
This hillside also gave itself to the sky as though he and his son were offered to it on an altar.
Slowly, the ominous clouds gave way to the blue sky, and the winds died down as if on cue.
Cauch gave a great deal of his attention to the sky, as did the Zsafathrans in the cart behind.
Meanwhile, the roof of the hangar slid to one side, giving free access to the open sky.