It will have to give a new value to the old principle of sovereignty (4).
In light of their colonial policies in Africa, which give the lie to the principle, how can they be considered defenders?
This common pattern gave rise to the ecological principle known as "Emery's Rule".
This section gave expression to the principle well known in other jurisdictions as "reading down."
For the moment, many are giving lip service to the principle of more trade freedom, global cooperation and so on.
The first is the fundamental, central importance that we continue to give to the principle of economic and social cohesion.
Freedom of expression is giving way to the principle of compulsory cosmopolitanism.
In line with these provisions, the Council remains committed to giving the fullest possible effect to the principle of transparency.
By giving priority to the principle of balance within our territory and to policies of cohesion.
Should we give priority to the principle of free movement or to the precautionary principle?