With this, Mr. Singh gave a respectful nod to the cat, who was lounging on the parquet floor.
But before he could grab it back, the boy had swallowed most of it himself and given the rest to the cat, which was now purring contentedly.
When it had well and truly stunk up the cabin, she gave it to the cat, who danced with delight.
Strymon absently broke off a piece of honeycake and gave it to the cat, who took it and jumped to the floor.
If James O'Keefe was late for his tea his ma gave it to the cat.
I'm going to give your fish-fingers to the cat!
"And take away all that sweet stuff, and finish it up, or give it to the cat."
She gives it to the cat.
She gave a look to the cat, her expression hurt, as she obediently followed Alustriel out of the room.
"Bugger off, you little devil, or I'll chop off your nose and give it to the cat."