Once Congress gives powers to the executive branch, it seldom can get them back.
Those battles gave birth to the Shiite branch of the faith and inspired its cult of martyrdom.
Berlusconi says that if he is re-elected he will change Italy's Constitution to give greater powers to the executive branch.
Unless the processor can give effect to the branch in a single time cycle, the pipeline will continue fetching instructions sequentially.
These arguments gave rise to the branch of mechanical science known as dynamics.
Very often the powers are given to the executive branch, such as a particular government organ.
It is the event that gave birth to the Shia branch of Islam which predominates in Iran.
"Given this situation we intend to review the level and type of assistance that we are giving to the Salvadoran judicial branch."
He also complained that the line-item veto as proposed would take away the Congress's constitutional "power of the purse" and give it to the executive branch.
The measure, which has the effect of weakening the legislative branch, will give more power to the already dominant executive branch.