This brotherhood would give a new elan to the abbey and define its status and works until today.
He had given lands to the abbey in return for prayers said for the health of his son.
Further income came from noble families who followed the royal lead by giving farms and income properties to the abbey.
In gratitude for being cured he gave the manor to the abbey, either then or some time later.
The stones sat in San Francisco's Golden Gate park until 1994 when they were given to the abbey.
I was given to the abbey as a hundred other children have been, before and since.
After the foundation of Lindores Abbey in 1191 the church was given to the abbey.
He gave the final parts of the manor to the abbey shortly afterwards, probably in 1228.
You mean he's cut off a son, to give his inheritance to the abbey?
Mayhap he had cause to be bitter against me, for his land was given to the abbey for my upbringing.